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Prof.Caroline Humphery



1980 (ed.) Nomads of South Siberia, by Sevyan Vainshtein, edited and with an Introduction by Caroline Humphrey; translated from Russian by M. Colenso. Cambridge Monographs in Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1983 Karl Marx Collective: Economy, Society and Religion in a Siberian Collective Farm, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Staley Prize, School of American Research]
1991 (ed.) The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society, edited by Michael Carrithers and Caroline Humphrey, with an introduction and four explanatory essays by the editors; contains a chapter 'Fairs and miracles: at the boundaries of the Jain community in Rajasthan' by Caroline Humphrey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - reprinted 2008 in paperback.
1992 (ed.) Barter, Exchange and Value, edited by Caroline Humphrey and Stephen Hugh-Jones, with an introduction by the editors; this book contains a chapter 'Fair-exchange, Just Rewards: Morality in the Barter of the Lhomi of North-East Nepal' by Caroline Humphrey; Cambridge University Press. - translated into Spanish, 1996
1994 (ed.) Shamanism, History and the State, edited by Nicholas Thomas and Caroline Humphrey, with an introduction by the editors; this book contains a chapter 'Shamanic Practices and the State in North Asia: views from the Centre and Periphery' by Caroline Humphrey; University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. chapter reprinted in Michael Lambek (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Malden MA and Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002, second edition 2008.
1994 The Archetypal Actions of Ritual, illustrated by the Jain rite of worship by Caroline Humphrey and James Laidlaw; Clarendon Press, Oxford. Ch 4 translated into German and published in A. Belliger and David J. Krieger (eds.) 1998 Ritualtheorien: Ein Einführendes Handbuch, Göttingen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
1996 Shamans and Elders: Experience, Knowledge and Power among the Daur Mongols by Caroline Humphrey; with Urgunge Onon. Clarendon Press, Oxford. pp 357-364 reprinted in Graham Harvey (ed.) Shamanism: a Reader, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
1996 (ed.) Culture and Environment in Inner Asia, edited by Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath. Vol 1 Economy and Environment; Vol 2 Society and Culture. Cambridge: The White Horse Press.
1997 Sacred Architecture by Caroline Humphrey and Piers Vitebsky. London: Duncan Baird Publishers. [This is a popular work]. - Reprinted, 2003.
1998 Marx Went Away, but Karl Stayed Behind by Caroline Humphrey (updated edition of Karl Marx Collective, with new preface and two new chapters). AnnArbord: U. of Michigan Press. - Preface reprinted in Joan Vincent (ed.) The Anthropology of Politics: a Reader in Ethnography,Theory and Critique, Oxford: Berg, 2002, pp 387-398.
1999 The End of Nomadism? Society, the State and the Environment in Inner Asia, by Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath, Duke University Press / White Horse Press, Durham USA and Cambridge UK. - Translated into Mongolian by Ts. Ochirbal and published as Nüüdellekhüi yoson etseslekh üü? Övör Aziin niigem, tör, khüreelekh orchin. Ulaanbaatar: Interpress. 2006
2001 (ed.) Kul'tura i Priroda vo Vnutrenneyi Azii (Culture and Environment in Inner Asia, in Russian), edited by Caroline Humphrey and A. Tulokhonov, Nauka, Novosibirsk.
2002 (ed.) Dotugadu Aziiya-yin Soyol kiged Baigal Orchim (Environment and Culture of Inner Asia, in Mongolian), edited by Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath; this book contains two chapters by Caroline Humphrey; Inner Mongolia People's Press, Hohhot.
2002 The Unmaking of Soviet Life: Everyday Economies After Socialism by Caroline Humphrey, Cornell: Cornell University Press. [Heldt Prize]
2002 (ed.) The Market in Everyday Life, Introduction to Markets and Moralities: Ethnographies of Postsocialism, edited by Ruth Mandel and Caroline Humphrey. Oxford: Berg.
2004 (ed.) Property in Question: Value Transformation in the Global Economy, edited by Caroline Humphrey and Katherine Verdery. Oxford: Berg. This book contains an introduction, ‘Introduction: Raising Questions about Property’, by Caroline Humphrey and Katherine Verdery.
2007 (ed.) Urban Life in Post-Soviet Central Asia, edited by Catherine Alexander, Victor Buchli and Caroline Humphrey. London: UCL Press. This book contains a chapter by Caroline Humphrey, ‘New Subjects and Situated Interdependence: After Privatisation in the City of Ulan-Ude.’ 175-207.
2012 (ed.) Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border, edited by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace and Caroline Humphrey. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. This book contains a chapter by Caroline Humphrey, 'Concepts of "Russia" and their relation to the border with China.' 55-70.

2012 (ed.) Post-Cosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence, edited by Caroline Humphrey and Vera Skvirskaja. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. This book contains a chapter by Caroline Humphrey, 'Odessa: pogroms in a cosmopolitan city.' 17-64.

2013 (with Hürelbaatar Ujeed) A Monastery in Time: The Making of Mongolian Buddhism. Chicago University Press.


Journal Special Issues:

2012 Cosmologies of Fortune: Luck, Vitality and Uncontrolled Relatedness. Edited by Giovanni da Col and Caroline Humphrey. Social Analysis, Vol 56, number 1.

2012 Future and Fortune: Contingency, Morality and Anticipation of Everyday Life. Edited by Giovanni Da Col and Caroline Humphrey. Social Analysis, vol 56, no 2.


1980 Report on Development Prospects in North Sankhuwasabha, Nepal, KHARDEP report No. 7, Land Resources Division, Overseas Development Administration, London.

1993 Interim Report 1992, by Mark Chopping, Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath. Cambridge University MacArthur Project for Environmental and Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia, Cambridge.

1995 Culture and Environment in Inner Asia, edited by Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath. Final report of the Cambridge University MacArthur Project for Environmental and Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia. Vol 1: Overview and Comparative Analyses; Vol 2: Environment and Economy; Vol 3: Society and Culture.

1996 Contemporary Pastoralism in Inner Asia: the analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery and Digital Mapping in the light of Anthropological Fieldwork, by Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath. Final Report of the Cambridge University MacArthur Project for the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Remote Sensing Applications, Ispra, Italy.

1997 Biodiversity in the Western Tien Shan: a Social Assessment, by Balzhan Zhimbiev and Caroline Humphrey. Report for Flora and Fauna International and the World Bank on Pilot Study on Reservations in the Tien Shan regions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

1998 Preliminary Report on Mongolian and Chinese Concepts of Spatiality and Landscape, Mergen Monastery, Inner Mongolia. Report for McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.

2000 Second Report on Archaeological-Anthropological report on Sacred Sites and Spatiality in Inner Mongolia, Mergen Monastery, Inner Mongolia. Report for McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.


1967 'Simvolicheskii Aspekt v rasvitii buryatskogo zhilishcha' ("The Symbolic Aspect in the Development of Buryat Dwellings"); in Ethnicheskaya Istoriya i Sovremennoe Natsional'noe Razvitie Narodov Mira, AN SSSR, Moscow (under the name Caroline Waddington)

1970 'What is Primitive Art'? New Society, 5th March

1970 'Some Ideas of Saussure applied to Buryat Magical Drawings", in E. Ardener (ed.) Social Anthropology and Language, ASA Monographs No. 10, Tavistock, London

- reprinted in Giancarlo G. Scoditti (ed.), Art i Societa Primitive, Serafini, Roma, 1975
- reprinted in E. Ardener y dros, Antropologia social y modelos de lenguaje, Biblioteca de Linguistica y semiologia No. 8, Paidos, Buenos Aires, 1976

1971 Shamans and the Trance, Theoria to Theory, 1971 No. 4; and 1972, No.1, Pergamon Press.

1973 'Selengiin buriadyn urag barildax ulamjlaxaas' ("On the Selenga Buryat Wedding Ceremony"), 2nd International Congress of Mongolists, vol.2, Ulan-Bator.

1974 'On some Ritual Techniques in the Bull Cult of the Buriat Mongols,' Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute for 1973, The Curl Lecture, 1973, London.

1974 'Horse-Brands of the Mongolians, a Sign-System of a Nomadic Culture,' American Ethnologist, August

1974 'Inside a Mongolian Tent,' New Society, October
- reprinted in The Third World, New Society Social Studies Reader, IPC Magazines Ltd., 1976

1976 Omens and their Explanation,' Archives Européennes de Sociologie, XVII, pp.320

1978 A Reply to Roberte Hamayon, Archives Européennes de Sociologie, first issue in 1978

1976 'The Uses of Genealogy, a historical study of the nomadic and sedentarised Buryat,' in proceedings of the International Colloquium on Nomadic Pastoralism, held at the Maison des Sciences de L'Homme, Paris. In Pastoralism and Society, C.U.P., 1979

1978 'The Role of Herdsmen's Collectives in the National Economy of Mongolia' Development and Change, Sage Publications, London, vol. 9, pp.133-160

1978 'Women, Taboo, and the Suppression of Attention', in S. Ardener (ed.) Defining Females: the Nature of Women in Society, Croom Helm, London
- book reprinted 1993 by Berg, Oxford and Providence

1980 'Theories of North Asian Shamanism', in Ernest Gellner (ed.) Soviet and Western Anthropology, Duckworth, London

1980 'Do Women Labour in a Worker's State?', Cambridge Anthropology, No. 2

1980 'Introduction: nomadism and the state', to Nomads of South Siberia, by Sevyan Vainshtein, trs. M. Colenso, Cambridge University Press

1984 ‘Some Recent Developments in Ethnography in the USSR' (review article), MAN, N.S. 19, 310-20
- translated into Chinese by Pan Jiao and published in Ethnological Translations, no 4, 1987

1984 'The "tide of fact" and the Revolution', (review article) in Government and Opposition, Vol 19, No. 4

1984 'Barter and Economic Disintegration', MAN, 20 (1) March, 48-72.
- reprinted in Stephen Gudeman (ed.) 1998 Economic Anthropology. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. Cheltenham UK and Northampton USA: Edward Elgar.

1985 'Some aspects of The Jain puja, the idea of 'god' and the symbolism of offerings', Cambridge Anthropology, vol 10
- reprinted 1989 in N. K. Singhi (ed.) Ideal, Ideology and Practice, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

1986 'Going with the Grain: Agriculture in Mongolia', Inside Asia, March
1988 'Rural Society in the Soviet Union', in M.P. Sacks and J.G. Pankhurst (eds.) Understanding Soviet Society, Allen and Unwin, London.

1988 'The neglect of architecture in anthropology,' Anthropology Today, vol 4 no 1.

1989 'Janus-faced signs: the language of politics of an ethnic minority in the Soviet Union', in R. Grillo (ed.), Social Anthropology and the Politics of Language, Sociological Review Monograph 36, Routledge: London and New York.

1989 'Perestroika and the pastoralists: the example of Mongun Taiga in the Tuva ASSR', Anthropology Today, June.

1989 'Population trends, ethnicity and religion among the Buryats', in A. Wood and R. A. French (eds) The Development of Siberia: people and resources, Macmillan, London.

1990 'Buryats', in Graham Smith (ed.) The Nationalities Question in the Soviet Union, Longman, London.

1991 'Politische Sprachen einer ethnischen Minderheit. Burjaten und burjatische Sprachen seit den 1920er Jahren in der Sowjetunion', in A. Ludtke (ed.) Herrschaft als Soziale Praxis: Historische und sozialanthropologische Studien, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen.

1991 '"Icebergs", Barter and the Mafia in Provincial Russia', Anthropology Today, vol 7 no 2, pp 8-13

1991 'Obstacles to Reform: the Siberian Dimension', in C. Merridale and C. Ward (eds.) Perestroika in Historical Perspective, Edward Arnold, London.

1991 'Buryaty: poisk natsaional’noi identichnosti’ (Buryats in search of national identity), Vostok - Oriens, 1991, no 5, Moscow. 32-37

1992 'The moral authority of the past in post-socialist Mongolia,' Religion, State and Society, vol 20, nos 3 & 4 , London.
- translated into Latvian 'Pagatnes morala autoritate postsocialistiskaja Mongolija,' in R. Kilis (ed.) Atmina un Vesture, NIMS, Riga, 1998, 54-74

1993 'Women and Ideology in Hierarchical Societies in East Asia', in S. Ardener (ed.) Persons and Powers of Women in Diverse Cultures, Berg, New York and Oxford.

1993 'Avgai Khad: theft and social trust in post-socialist Mongolia', Anthropology Today, no 4, 1993.
- translated into Russian 'Poyedzka k Avgai Khat ili vorovstvo i oshchestvennoye doveriye v post-sotsialisticheskoi Mongolii,' Vestnik Yevrazii - Acta Evrazica, 1995, no 1: 23-33.

1993 'Casual Chat and Ethnic Identity: Women's Second Language Use among Buryats in the USSR,' in P. Burton (ed.) Bilingual Women: Anthropological Approaches to Second Language Use, Berg: Oxford.

1994 'A Daur myth of the bear and the boy who became a man,' in E. H. Kaplan and D. Whisenhunt (eds.) Opuscula Altaica, essays in honour of Henry Schwarz. Western Washington University Press: Bellingham.
- translated into Chinese 'A Daur myth of the bear and the boy who became a man,' trs. Chogjin, Min Zu Wen Xue Yan Jiu, no 4, 1994, 88-94.

1994 'Remembering an Enemy: the Bogd Khaan in Twentieth Century Mongolia', in R. Watson (ed.) Memory, History and Opposition under State Socialism. School of American Research: Santa Fé.

1995 'Chiefly and shamanist landscapes in Mongolia,' in E. Hirsch and M. O'Hanlon (eds.) The Anthropology of Landscape, London: Routledge.

1995 'Creating a culture of disillusionment: consumption in Moscow 1993, a chronicle of changing times,' in D. Miller (ed.) Worlds Apart, London: Routledge.

1995 'Introduction' to special issue of Cambridge Anthropology on development in former socialist societies, Cambridge Anthropology, vol 18, no 2, 1995: 2-13.

1995 'Buryatia and the Buryats,' in Graham Smith (ed.) Ethnic and National Questions in the Post-Soviet States, London: Longman.

1995 'The politics of privatization in Provincial Russia: popular opinions and the dilemmas of the early 1990s,' Cambridge Anthropology, vol 18, no 1, 40-61.

1996 (with David Sneath) 'Pastoralism and Institutional Change in Inner Asia: comparative perspectives from the findings of the Macarthur 'Environmental and Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia' Project,' Pastoral Development Network, vol 39 (b).

1996 (with A. Hürelbaatar) 'Réver pour soi et pour les autres,' Terrain, 26, Paris, 1996: 37-48.

1996 (with U. E. Bulag) 'Some diverse representations of the Pan-Mongolian movement in Dauria,' Inner Asia, vol 1 no 1: 1-23.

1997 'Exemplars and rules: aspects of the discourse of moralities in Mongolia,' in Signe Howell (ed.) The Ethnography of Moralities, London: Routledge. 25-47

1997 Book Review Essay: 'Ethnicity in the USSR and the CIS', American Anthropologist, vol 99 no 1, March 1997, 153-5.

1997 'Conférence de Caroline Humphrey: 1. Les Ainés et les chamanes; 2. Quelques aspects cognitifs du 'chamanisme'; 3. Un cosmos tripartie ou un autre monde? Des implications pour la moralité Daur; 4. Au sein du genre féminin,' Annuaire EPHE, Séction sciences réligieuses, t. 104 (1995-6).

1997 'Genres and diversity in cultural politics: on representations of the Goddess Tara in Mongolia,' Inner Asia, vol 2 no 1: 24-47

1997 'Myth-making, narratives, and the dispossessed in Russia,' Cambridge Anthropology, vol 19 no 2, 1996/7 (Ernest Gellner Memorial Issue): 70-92

1998 'The villas of the 'New Russians': a sketch of consumption and identity in post-Soviet landscapes,' in Richard Staring, Marco van der Land and Herman Task (eds.) Focaal: Globalization / localization: paradoxes of cultural identity, no 30-31, 1998, 85-106.

1998 'Introduction' to Through the Ocean Waves: The Autobiography of Bazaryn Shirendev, trs. from Mongolian by Temujin Onon, Bellingham: Western Washington University Press.

1998 'The domestic mode of production in post-Soviet Siberia?' Anthropology Today, vol 14, no 3: 3-7, 1998

1999 'Rethinking bribery in contemporary Russia', in S. Lovell, A. Ledeneva and A. Rogatchevsky (eds.) Bribery and Blat in Russia, SSEES / Macmillan, London.

1999 'Russian Protection Rackets and the Appropriation of Law and Order', in Josiah McC. Heyman, ed., States and Illegal Practices, pp. 199-232, Oxford: Berg.

1999 'Rituals of death in Mongolia: their implications for understanding the mutual constitution of persons and objects and certain concepts of property,' Inner Asia, vol 1 no 1, 56-86.

1999 'Traders, "disorder," and citizenship regimes in provincial Russia,' in M. Burawoy and K. Verdery (eds.) Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the Postocialist World, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford.

1999 'The fate of earlier social ranking in the communist regimes of Russia and China', in Ramachandra Guha and Jonathan Parry (eds.) Institutions and Inequalities: Essays in Honour of André Béteille, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
‘Shamans in the City’, Anthropology Today, vol 15 (3), pp 3-11.
- reprinted in Andrei Znamenski (ed.) Critical Concepts, Routledge
- translated into Greek in E. Voutira (ed.) Athens, 2007

2000 'Dirty business, "normal life", and the dream of law', in A. Ledeneva and M. Kurkchiyan (eds.) Economic Crime in Russia, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

2000 'An anthropological view of barter in Russia' and 'How is barter done? The social relations of barter in provincial Russia', Chapters 3 and 10 in P. Seabright (ed.) The Vanishing Rouble, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2001 'Landscape conflicts in Inner Mongolia,' in Barbara Bender and Margot Winer (eds.) Contested Landscapes: Landscapes of Movement and Exile, Berg Publishers, Oxford and London.

'Inequality and exclusion: a Russian case-study of emotion in politics,' in special number of Anthropological Theory, edited by Charles Tilley, Vol 1 no 3. 331-353.

2001 (with Hürelbaatar) ‘Kontekstual’noe issledovanie buddizma: istoricheskaya pamyat’ ob aginskom datsane,’ in Ts. P. Vanchikova (ed.) Mir Buddiiskoi Kul’tury, Ulan-Ude-Aginskoe: ZabGPU, 183-186.

2001 'Staline et l'éléphant bleu: paranoia et culpabilité dans les métahistoires postcommunistes,' Diogene [Paris], vol 194, pp 31-42

'Subsistence farming and the peasantry as an idea in contemporary Russia', in Pamela Leonard and Deema Kaneff (eds.) Post-Socialist peasant? Rural and Urban Constructions of Identity in Eastern Europe, East Asia and the Former Soviet Union, Palgrave, Oxford and London. 136-159

2002 'Eurasia and the political imagination in provincial Russia,' in C. Hann (ed.) Postsocialism: Ideals, Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia. London: Routledge. 258-276

‘Does the category ‘postsocialist’ still make sense?’ in C. Hann (ed.) Postsocialism: Ideals, Ideologies and Practices in Eurasia, London: Routledge. 12-15

2002 ‘Rituals of death as a context for understanding personal property in socialist Mongolia,Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol 8, no 1, March 2002. 65-87
(with Christopher Evans) ‘The afterlives of the Mongolian yurt: the ‘archaeology’ of a Chinese tourist camp’, Material Culture, 2 (2), June.

Stalin and the Blue Elephant: paranoia and complicity in Post-Communist metahistories,’
in Harry West and Todd Sanders (eds.) Transparency and Conspiracy: Ethnographies of Suspicion in the New World Order, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 175-203

2003 ‘Rethinking infrastructure: Siberian cities and the Great Freeze of January 2001’, in Jane Schneider and Ida Susser (eds.) Wounded Cities: Destruction and Reconstruction in a Globalized World. Oxford: Berg. 91-107

(with Christopher Evans) ‘History, timelessness and the monumental: the oboos of the Mergen environs, Inner Mongolia,’ Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Vol 13, no 2, Oct 2003, 195-211.

(with Katherine Verdery) ‘Introduction: raising questions about property,’ in K. Verdery and C. Humphrey (eds.) Property in Question: Value Transformation in the Global Economy, Oxford: Berg.

2004 ‘Sovereignty and ways of life: the marshrut system in the city of Ulan-Ude, Russia’ in David Nugent and Joan Vincent (eds.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics. New York and London: Blackwell. 418-436

2004 (with A. Hürelbaatar) ‘O ponyatiya “törü” v istorii Mongolov,’ in N. Kradin and T. Skrynnikova (eds.) Mongoly i kochevoi mir. Vladivostok. Publication 2004.

2004 (with David Sneath) 'Shanghaied by the bureaucracy: bribery and post-Soviet officialdom in Russia and Mongolia,' in I. Pardo (ed.) Between Morality and the Law: Corruption, Anthropology and Comparative Society, Aldershot and Burlington VT: Ashgate.

2004 ‘Cosmopolitanism and kosmopolitizm in the political life of Soviet citizens’, Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, no 44 (2004), 138-54.

2005 ‘Ideology in infrastructure: architecture and Soviet imagination,’ Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Vol 11 no 1, March 2005, 39-58

2005 ‘Regret as a political intervention: an essay on the historical anthropology of the early Mongols’, Past and Present. No 186, Feb 2005. 3-45.

‘Opasnyye slova: tabu, ukloneniye i molchaniye v Sovetskoi Rossii’, (Dangerous words: taboo, evasion and silence in Soviet Russia), Antropologicheskii Forum (St. Petersburg), 2005 (3), 314-339. English Version.

2006 ‘On being named and not named: authority, persons, and their names in Mongolia’, in Barbara Bodenhorn and Gabriele Vom Bruck (eds.) The Anthropology of Names and Naming, Cambridge University Press.

2006 (with James Laidlaw’) ‘Die rituelle Einstellung,’ in David J. Kreiger and Andrea Belliger (eds.) Ritualtheorien: Ein einführendes Handbuch. 3. Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / FWV Fachverlage GmbH. 133-154.

2006 (with James Laidlaw) ‘Action’, in Jens Kreinath, Jan Snoek and Michael Stausberg (eds.) Theorizing Rituals: Issues, Topics, Approaches, Concepts. The Hague: Brill. 265-284

2006 ‘Prophecy and sequential orders in Mongolian political history’, in Rebecca Empson (ed.) Time, Causality and Prophecy in the Mongolian Cultural Region. Folkestone: Global Oriental Inner Asia Series. 61-97

2006 ‘The President and the Seer: a Case Study of Prophecy and Scientific Attitudes in Modern Political Life’, in Rebecca Empson (ed.) Time, Causality and Prophecy in the Mongolian Cultural Region. Folkestone: Global Oriental Inner Asia Series. 98-115

2006 (with A. Hürelbaatar) ‘The term törü in Mongolian history,’ in David Sneath (ed.) Imperial Statecraft:Political Forms and Techniques of Governance in Inner Asia, 6th – 20th centuries. Studies on East Asia, vol 27. Center for East Asian Studies Western Washington University. 263-92

2007 ‘Alternative Freedoms’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 151, no. 1. 1-10. Philadelphia.

2007 ‘Vital force: the story of Dugar Jaisang and popular views of Mongolian-Tibetan Relations from Mongolian perspectives,’ In The Mongolia-Tibet Interface. Opening New Research Terrains in Inner Asia, U. Bulag & H. Dienberger (eds.). Leiden: Brill. 159-174

2007 (with Vera Skvirskaya) ‘Odessa: ‘skol’zkii gorod i uskol’zayishchii kosmopolitizm,’ Vestnik Yevrazii, Vol 35, no 1. 87-116

2007 (with James Laidlaw) ‘Sacrifice and ritualisation.’ In Evangelos Kiriyakidis (ed.) The Archaeology of Ritual. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA Publications (2007).

2008 ‘Inside and outside the mirror: Mongolian shaman’s mirrors as instruments of perspectivism,’ Inner Asia, Vol 9, no 2. Special Issue on Perspectivism. 173-196.

2008 ‘The creative bureaucrat: conflicts in the production of Soviet Communist Party discourse’, Inner Asia, Vol 10 no 1. Special issue on Cadres, Discourse and Late Socialism. 5-36

2008 ‘Re-assembling individual subjects: events and decisions in troubled times,’ Anthropology Theory, Vol 8 no 4. December 2008. 357-80

2008 (with Magnus Marsden and Vera Skvirskaya ) ‘Cosmopolitanism and the city: interaction and coexistence in Bukhara’, in S. Mayaram (ed.) The Other Global City. New York: Routledge. 2008

2008 (with Vera Skvirskaya) ‘”Russians” in Istanbul: between necessity and freedom,’ in M. Sully (ed.) Black Sea Calling. Vienna: Favorita Papers Special edition, Diplomatische Akadaemie Wien. 48-55

2009 ‘Historical analogies and the commune: the case of Stolypin / Putin’, in Harry G. West and Parvathi Raman (eds.) Enduring Socialism: Explorations of revolution and Transformation, Restoration and Continuation. London: Berghahn Books.

2009 ‘The mask and the face: imagination and social life in Russian chat-rooms and beyond’, Ethnos, vol 74 no 1. Special issue: Technologies of the Imagination. 31-50

2009 (with Vera Skvirskaya) ‘Trading places: post-Soviet container markets and the city’, Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology. Vol 55. 61-73.

2009 ‘Sex in the city: the new polygamy,’ Cambridge Anthropology, Vol 29, no 2, 21-25

2010 ‘Remembering 1989 and its aftermaths in the depths of Russia,’ Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, Vol 9, no 2, 112-6

2010 'Odessa: pogromy v gorode-kosmopolite,' Antropologicheskii Forum, No 12 (2010), 213-247

2010 'Odessa: pogroms in a cosmopolitan city,' Ab Imperio, No 4 (2010), 1-53

2011 '???????????? ?????? ??????????????? ???????: ??????? ???????? ????????-???????,' in El'za Guchinova and G. Komarova (eds.) Antropologiya sotsial'nykh peremen: sbornik statei. K 70-letiyu Valeriya Aleksandrovicha Tishkova. Moscow: Rosspen. 655-682. Translation into Russian of paper entitled: 'The political logic of Buryat national outrage'.

2012 'Hospitality and tone: holding patterns for strangeness in rural Mongolia', JRAI special issue The Return to Hospitality: Strangers, Guests, and Ambiguous Encounters, edited by Matei Candea and Giovanni Da Col, 63-75

2012 (with Giovanni da Col) 'Introduction: subjects of luck-contingency, morality, and the anticipation of everyday life,' in Special Issue of Social Analysis, Vol 56 no 2. Future and Fortune: Contingency, Morality and Anticipation of Everyday Life, edited by Giovanni Da Col and Caroline Humphrey. 1-18.

2012 (with Hurelbaatar Ujeed) 'Fortune in the wind: an impersonal subjectivity', Special Issue of Social Analysis Vol 56, no 2, Future and Fortune: Contingency, Morality and Anticipation of Everyday Life, edited by Giovanni Da Col and Caroline Humphrey. 152-67.

2012 'Russki yazyk kak sredstvo vzaimoponimaniya mezhdu Mongoliei i Evropoi v XX – nachale XXI veka' (Russian language as a means of mutual comprehension between Mongolia and Europe in the 20th and beginning of 21st centuries.' In D. Bold (ed.) Russkii yazyk v postsovetskom mire: ukhod i vozvrashchenie? Opyt Mongolii. Ulaanbaatar: IV RAN and Mongolian Academy of Sciences. 13-18

2012 'Favors and "normal heroes": the case of postsocialist higher education,' HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2 (2): 22-41

2012 'Inequality', chapter for A Companion to Moral Anthropology, edited by Didier Fassin. Wiley-Blackwell.

2012 'Elements: assessing the historical core of anthropology,' in James Carrier Handbook of Anthropology. London and New York: Berg.

(in press) 'Sailors' memories and the maritime geography of the Cold War', for special issue of Focaal, containing papers of a workshop entitled 'Black Sea Currents', edited by Caroline Humphrey and Vera Skvirskaya

(in press) 'Violence and urban architecture: events at the ensemble of the Odessa Steps in 1904-5,' in Pullan, W. and Baillie, V. (eds.) Locating Urban Conflicts: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Everyday. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

(in press) (with Grégory Delaplace) 'Qu'y a-t-il de nouveau dans le "néo-chamanisme"? Assemblages et acteurs à Ulaanbaatar.' For Festschrift for Roberte Hamayon.

2014 Detachable Groups and Kinship Tensions: The Tsongol at the Russian–Qing Border, Inner Asia 16.2: 34–63

Editorial work:
1990-1999 History and Anthropology, co-editor with A, Pagden, N. Thomas and C. Tilly.

1998 Central Asian Survey, Special Mongolian Issue, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1998. (co-edited with U. E. Bulag)

1998 Inner Asia, Occasional Papers , Vol. 2, No. 1, 1997. (co-edited with U. E. Bulag)

1999- Inner Asia, refereed journal, co-editor with U. E.Bulag and D. Sneath, Vols 1 – ongoing.

2000 Inner Asia Mongograph Series. Vol 1. Ts. Namkhainyambuu Autobiography of a Herdsman, trs. from Mongolian by Mary Rossabi, Introduction by Morris Rossabi, Cambridge: White Horse Press.

2002 Inner Asia Monograph Series. Vol 2. Balzhan Zhimbiev The History of Urbanisation of a Siberian City: Ulan-Ude, Cambridge: White Horse Press.

2003 Inner Asia Monograph Series. Vol 3. Irina Morozova The Comintern in Mongolia, Cambridge: White Horse Press.

Minor Publications:
I published numerous articles on the ethnography of Mongolia in the Journal of the Anglo-Mongolian Society, 1972-91These include translations of texts from Mongolian.
1971 'Life in the Mongolian Gobi ', Geographical Magazine 43 , No . 9
1972 'A Note on the Judgement of Racehorses by Mongolian Nomads', Erdem Shinjilgeeniy Sonsgol, No. 30, Mongolian State University, Ulan-Bator.
1973-4'On the Typological Similarity of Mythological Structures Among the Ket and Neighbouring Peoples', Semiotica X (1974) 1; 'Towards a Description of Ket Semiotic Systems', Semiotica, IX (1973), 4 (translation of articles by V.N. Toporov and V.V. Ivanov by C. Humphrey and P.J. Lineton).
1974 'Eulogy (magtaal) to a Herding Collective', Erdem Shinjilgeeniy Sonsgol, No. 50, Mongolian State University, Ulan Bator, 1974
1975 'Notes on hair-cutting and castration in Mongolian horse-herds,' Journal of the Anglo-Mongolian Society, vol 2 no 2, 70-77. Translated into French and published in Anda, no 41, 2001, 18-22.
1976 'The Buriats ', Family of Man, Pt. 14 , pp. 381-84
1976 'The Chukchee ', Family of Man , Pt . 20 , pp. 540-43
1977 'The Evenki ', Family of Man, Pt. 29, pp. 801-4
1978 'Swords into Ploughshares, the Gurung Gurkhas of Nepal', New Society
1979 (ed.) Peoples of the Earth, vol 14, USSR East of the Urals, edited by Caroline Humphrey. The Danbury Press.
1979 Review of John T. Hitchcock and Rex L. Jones (eds.), Spirit Possession in the Nepal Himalayas, Times Literary Supplement
1981 Review of Walter Heissig, The Religions of Mongolia, Religion, August
1982 Articles on ethnic minorities of the Soviet Union, Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union, Cambridge University Press
1984 Review in Pacific Affairs of N.N. Poppe Reminiscences.
1985 'Wandering specialists', Review of A.M. Khazanov Nomads and the Outside World, TLS
1986-8 Several other reviews.
1988 Yak herders of Mongun Taiga', Sunday Telegraph, (7 days) 12th December 1988.
1989 'Culture and Personality': London Review of Books, vol 11, No. 16, 31st August 1989.
1990 'Sister Ape', London Review of Books, vol 12, No. 8, 19th April 1990
1992 'Rituals of the Full Moon', London Review of Books, vol 14, No 4, 27th February 1992
1995 'Khozyain i gost' v Mongolii: sto pravil khoroshego povedeniya,' Svyashchennyi Baikal, spetsnomer 1995: 12-13.
1998 'Introduction' to Through the Ocean Waves: The Autobiography of Bazaryn Shirendev, trs. from Mongolian by Temujin Onon, Western Washington University Press, Bellingham, 1998
1998 'Preface' to Nationalism and Hybridity in Mongolia by U. E. Bulag, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998
2001 Review of S. Kotkin and B. Elleman (eds.) Mongolia in the Twentieth Century: Landlocked Cosmopolitan, M.E.Sharpe, 1999; Slavic Review, vol 50 no 2, p 425. ‘Foreword’ to El’za-Bair Guchinova Pomnit’ nel’zya zabyt’: antropologiya deportatsionnoi travmy kalmykov. Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag.
2006 ‘Poor Rudolf’. Review of Piers Vitebsky Reindeer People: Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia, Harper/Collins, 2005. TLS, April 28th, 2006. P 40.
2007 ‘Something to live for.’ Review of Margaret Paxson Solovyovo: the story of memory in a Russian village. Indiana U. Press. TLS, Jan 5, 2007. P 27.
2008 ‘Cosmopolitan cities of Eurasia,’ Research Horizons (Cambridge University Research Magazine), Issue 6, 24-25
2009 ‘Sex in the city: the new polygamy,’ Cambridge Anthropology, Vol 29, no 2, 21-25
2010 ‘Remembering 1989 and its aftermaths in the depths of Russia,’ Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, Vol 9, no 2, 112-6
2010 ‘Odessa: pogromy v gorode-kosmopolite,’ Antropologicheskii Forum, No 12 (2010), 213-247
