畢業院校及學位:北京大學 社會學博士
Li, J., Qiu, L. (2024) Demographic transition and population dynamics in Xinjiang, China. China Population and Development Study. 8, 78–95.
秋麗雅 & 李建新. (2023). 中國成年人抑郁的社會分化:動态視角與交叉視角. 社會學研究38(05), 180-202+230.
李建新 & 秋麗雅. (2023). 新疆人口轉變與發展——回應西方有關新疆人口“種族滅絕”謬論.西北人口44(05), 1-13.
李建新 & 秋麗雅. (2022a). 我國人口少子老齡化過程趨勢、風險與對策分析. 晉陽學刊(01), 62-71.
李建新 & 秋麗雅. (2022b). 我國少數民族人口生育及其影響因素分析——以壯族、回族、滿族、維吾爾族、藏族、蒙古族為例. 西北民族研究(01), 139-155.
Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Qiu, L., Yang, G., Jiang, H., Zheng, M., & Wang, J. (2021). Parental feeding knowledge, practices and Chinese children and adolescents’ weight status. Children's Health Care, 50(4), 373-397.
李建新 & 秋麗雅. (2020). 河西走廊的人口變遷與發展. 西北民族研究(03),65-77.
Zhang, L., Ding, Z., & Qiu, L. (2019). Old Age Care Preferences Among Chinese Middle-Aged Single-Child Parents and the Related Policy Implications. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 31(5), 393-414.
Zhang, L., Ding, Z., Qiu, L., & Li, A. (2019). Falls and risk factors of falls for urban and rural community-dwelling older adults in China. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 379.
Zhang, L., Qiu, L., Ding, Z., & Hwang, K. (2018). How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Chinese Adolescents’ Weight Status?: A Study of Possible Pathways. Chinese Sociological Review, 50(4), 423-442.